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transparent – durable – modern

New Berberys Multispectral Camouflage Net

New 3D multispectral camouflage nets are designed to protect people and equipment. They are made of durable materials, have a unique spatial structure, and provide protection across the entire spectrum of UV, VIS, NIR, SWIR, TIR, RADAR electromagnetic radiation.

New multispectral 3D camouflage nets:

15% lighter

Up to 50% greater thermal performance

Guarantees better concealment from radar detection

Up to 25% more durable

  • the 3D version imitates the texture of the natural environment, foliage and terrain, giving the impression of spatiality and providing increased protection in forest environments,
  • VIS, a special dedicated camouflage pattern, blends in perfectly with the natural surroundings and provides effective protection against optical recognition systems and the aided and unaided eye,

  • NIR, the parameters of the colours used effectively mimic the natural environment, thus giving protection from night vision devices,

  • TIR, thermal radiation reduction to protect against detection,

  • RADAR, the effective alteration of an object’s radar signature to prevent detection,
  • low water absorption,
  • high tensile and tear strength,
  • low weight of the product,
  • modular design that allows camouflaging objects of different sizes,
  • innovative way of packaging.

What distinguishes 3D static camouflage?


The design of the net fabric provides excellent situational awareness. The external environment is perfectly visible to the observer from under the camouflage net.


A load-bearing and filling layer created from materials with higher tensile and tear strength will ensure greater longevity of the camouflage in harsh conditions.


Camouflage adapted to the requirements of the modern battlefield, where reconnaissance using thermal sensors plays an increasingly important role. It significantly affects the camouflage parameter in forested areas.

The following accessories are supplied with each camouflage:

The number of accessories depends on the dimension of the camouflage. The basic prerequisite for achieving effective camouflage is its proper fitting over the object.


The camouflage nets come with the following accessories necessary for proper installation:

  • telescopic support poles,

  • telescopic deforming poles,

  • pegs,

  • hammer with special tubular construction,

  • devices for pulling out pegs,

  • guy-lines,

  • ropes,

  • repair kit.

Indywidualne rozwiązania

Naszym celem jest projektowanie i wytwarzanie produktów maskujących dostosowanych do indywidualnych wymagań klientów. Nasze doświadczenie i bogate zaplecze badawcze pozwala na tworzenie rozwiązań spełniających wysokie wymagania nowoczesnego pola walki, przy jednoczesnym uwzględnianiu specyficznych parametrów określonych przez zamawiającego.

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