Static camouflage
Signature management
Static double-sided 2D
Static 3D
Multispectral camouflage systems
These days, the defence industry has an increasing number of technological innovations at its disposal. Military units are equipped with modern gear to adapt to the conditions around them and to inform commanders of their location. One way to increase survivability on the battlefield is through camouflage systems, i.e. minimising the possibility of detection and identification of military units.
The multispectral camouflage systems, which have been developed by Miranda’s specialists, are an innovative next-generation solution for enhancing soldiers’ survivability on the battlefield by making them invisible. The technologies used in Miranda’s multispectral camouflage reduce the possibility of detecting people, facilities and equipment within the range of visual (VIS), radar (RADAR), near infrared (NIR) and thermal infrared (TIR) identification systems.
Multispectral camouflage systems Berberys are not recognized:
As detection and surveillance have recently taken on a whole new importance, the role of camouflage to minimise the possibility of detection and identification of troops, equipment and installations has become an important area of focus. Key survival factors include excellent camouflage in the open, ensuring that your units resemble the surroundings and remain unnoticed by enemy reconnaissance and Situation Awareness (SA) systems.

UV ultraviolet spectrum
Modern battlefield observation devices operating in the ultraviolet (UV) spectrum use an electromagnetic wave reflection parameter specific to the object. Our camouflage covers have colour and reflectance parameters that effectively hide the object from UV sensors. This feature is extremely important in snowy conditions.
Visible light – VIS
In the visible light range, objects are usually detected, recognised and identified by the unaided human eye, optical instruments, electro-optical systems, or indirectly using photographs of the object. Key features that distinguish an observed object include shape, size, colour, texture, hue, pattern and location. Our main objective is to make our products as comparable as possible to the environment.

Near-Infrared – NIR
Near-infrared (NIR) radiation is well reflected by living vegetation, but much less well by dry vegetation and most man-made materials. NIR sensors, such as night vision devices and NIR sights and periscopes, enable the human eye to detect targets based on differences in their reflectivity. We can adjust the colour parameters and reflectivity to suit any environment in which the camouflage will be used.
Short-wave infrared – SWIR
Short-wave infrared is usually defined as light in the spectrum from 1 to 2.5 μm. Sensors operating in this spectrum are increasingly used for object detection due to their high accuracy in all weather conditions. SWIR is similar to visible light because photons are reflected or absorbed by the object, providing the strong contrast needed for high-resolution imaging. Miranda’s camouflage covers provide protection from SWIR sensors.

Thermal infrared – TIR
Locating targets in the thermal infrared waveband, both mid-wave infrared – MWIR and long-wave infrared – LWIR, takes advantage of an object’s thermal profile and the apparent temperature differences between the object and its background. The characteristic shape of the thermal profile, the arrangement and concentration of hot spots create easily recognisable object contours. Our camouflage covers can reduce the thermal signature of the masked object by up to 80% and prevent it from being correctly identified.
Radar protection
Radar detection makes use of the phenomenon of radar wave reflection and, in particular, the differences in the reflectivity of these waves from different objects. Metal surfaces are characterised by high reflectivity while being an integral part of military vehicles and equipment, so the so-called radar echo is a very important identification factor. Our multispectral camouflage covers provide effective protection in the 1-110 GHz range, allowing a minimum 6 dB reduction in the object’s radar signature.